"It's never too late to make a new start"

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Have a Merry "Come-Back" Christmas

Wherever you are in life, you can do more and be better than you are now.
Christmas is a time for new beginnings, not New Years.
It's a time to forgive those who've wronged us, and to drop the baggage of bitterness we've carried for way too long already.
Sometimes, it's a time to ask for forgiveness from the people we have wronged.
So slow down a little and take time to pause and reflect on what life's really all about anyway.
It's not about who can buy the most stuff.
It's not about inflating our own egos.
It's not about trampling all over others so you can have "your rights".
Make a fresh start today!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Family reconciliation

This time of year there are many shattered families out there.  Many live many miles apart, while others live in the same house.
"Healing the brokenhearted" is important to all who are affected by these situations, and it may take more than we are capable of as individuals.
Often times we here of tragedies like this past week, but many others suffer in silence from broken families.
 Take heart, there is hope. Don't isolate yourself during difficult times, even though sometimes solitude has its' merits. Surround yourself with a few true friends (real people, not just "friends" on a website).
Good can come to you in time, hang in there.
With GOD'S help, reconciliation is possible.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

You are unstoppable

No matter what has messed you up in the past, you don't have to carry it around forever .
Don't dwell on past failures or future pain!